What is the Best Heavy Gun in Battlefront 2? Posted On By In DatasheetDatasheet Heavy Class. Each weapon has four total statistics: cooling power, range, rate of fire and damage. Weapons are the key to any game, and Battlefront 2 has a wide variety of weapons to choose from. The Millennium Falcon and many many more. However, when you begin your journey in Star Wars Battlefront 2, you only have access to just one weapon from the different classes. "The Heavy trooper can take out hordes of enemies when positioned well, but is less mobile." 21 posts Member.

But the weapons that we’ll outline below are some of the best that we’ve found during our time with the game.

A Trandoshan bounty hunter and good ol’ partner and rival of Boba Fett in hunting elusive prey. Dlt-19 is a throwback to bf1, Ttk is a little slower than the fmk at medium/long and tl-50 at short, but gets the job done. A heavy uses a heavy blaster and is the least agile character. Star Wars Battlefront 2's massive Age of Rebellion update brings new guns, reinforcements, hero changes, and much more. This class has a little bit more health points than the rest but this difference isn't that noticeable. There are also three different mod attachments to help improve each of those. So, if you are wondering how to unlock new weapons in Battlefront 2… This gun has one of the best firing power complemented by a decent cooling power, range and damage. The best heavy gun in Battlefront 2 is TL - 50. TL - 50 also has an alternate fire mode that can stun enemies. In-game description The Heavy class is one of the four trooper classes that appear in DICE's Star Wars Battlefront II. Here are all of the weapons in Battlefront 2 and what you need to do to unlock them. The heavy class is like a tank on the battlefront and the weapons available reflect on that – heavy and deadly! There is quite an assortment of armaments to choose from in the arsenal at player’s disposal in the latest Star Wars Battlefront game.

Definitely better at a short distance (and at a medium with a better weapon) great for holding points and to "scare" off enemies by using suppressive fire. The defaults are good all purpose, full auto weapons and i appreciate the aesthetics of them too, The resistance gun is rediculous, it sounds amazing. These include Assault, Heavy, Officer and Specialist. DC-15 The stock weapon is a balanced standard issue heavy blaster that trades accuracy for increased power and rate of fire. Weapons and modifications To unlock this gun, players have to have to hit the 500 kills Milestone. For Star Wars Battlefront II on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best Weapon For Heavy". The Incredible Hulk is one hard Super-being to beat.